Where should we send our invoices?
For the U.S. send hard copy invoices to:
Blue Cube Operations LLC
PO BOX 696034
San Antonio, TX 78269 USA
For Canada send hard copy invoices to:
PO BOX 696034
San Antonio, TX 78269 USA

Can we send an electronic copy of our invoices?
Yes. (Please do not send both a hard copy and electronic copy)
For the U.S. send electronic copies to OSN_AP_NAA@olin.com
For Canada, send electronic copies to OSN_AP_NAA@olin.com

What other documentation should we send?
Although supporting documentation may be appropriate at times, to avoid delays in processing, please only send necessary or relevant supporting documentation. Also, ensure an invoice is included. We cannot process payments using delivery tickets, packing lists, pricing statements, etc. We can only pay invoices.

Where can I check on the status of my invoice?
To find information about a particular invoice such as the scheduled payment date or invoice status, visit Olin’s Vendor Invoice Information Portal. You can also access the portal in the Supplier Relations section at Olin.com. New vendors will need to register prior to using the portal. These instructions, which can also be found in the Supplier Relations section, will help with registering your company Registration. If you are unable to find the information you need, please refer to the contacts listed under the Contact \ Reference link found at the bottom of the Vendor Invoice Information Portal.

What are the common issues that can delay invoice processing?

Here are some of the more common issues that can delay the processing of an invoice:

  • Missing or incorrect remittance address (Needs to match what is in our system)
  • Missing, incorrect, or illegible Purchase Order (PO) (Only one PO per invoice)
  • Billed to an incorrect Olin entity
  • Amount and/or quantity not matching the PO
  • Missing or incomplete product/service description

Can my company utilize electronic methods for submitting invoices and receiving payments?
Yes. Olin offers and encourages the use of the Olin Supplier Network (“OlinSN”) Invoicing and EDI Invoicing. Olin also encourages the use of direct deposit (ACH) payments. To find out more information about these methods, refer to the contacts listed under the Contact \ Reference link found at the bottom of the Vendor Invoice Information Portal Vendor Invoice Information Portal

What is the OlinSN?
Olin Supplier Network (OlinSN) is a new solution provided by Olin. The OlinSN is a supplier portal for invoice, payment and management solutions. The OlinSN provides 24/7 visibility into invoice and payment status, eInvoicing capabilities, comprehensive supplier self-services and the ability to accept early payment offers – entirely free of charge.

What is electronic invoicing?
Electronic invoicing (e-Invoicing) is a communication methodology that utilizes the Internet to allow Olin to receive invoice information directly from suppliers without the need to print and mail paper invoice copies. The Third Party Solutions service was chosen because it offers the most flexibility to suppliers with the least disruption to normal business.

Why is Olin moving to the OlinSN?
The OlinSN solution provides many benefits to our suppliers including: immediate invoice submission, flipping a PO to a pre-populated invoice, on-line data validations so exceptions will be reduced thus increasing data accuracy. This new process will allow for better tracking of invoices, reduce unnecessary errors and result in a more efficient process for Olin and our suppliers.

Are there fees associated with enrolling into the OlinSN?
No, participation in the OlinSN is completely free to all suppliers.

Do I need to install any software?
No software is required aside from a standard internet browser where suppliers can upload electronic files created by your existing accounting system.

Is enrollment in the OlinSN required?
This is an important initiative for Olin and we are expecting all of our preferred suppliers to support us.
We hope that you will work with us in this initiative and strongly encourage you to take this opportunity to introduce an improved invoice processing system. In order to continue to have visibility into the OlinSN you must be invited and enrolled.NOTE: Did not get an invitation to the OlinSN? Please contact Olin’s Procurement team (see “How do I register for the OlinSN”) or e-mail OSN_GEN_Help@olin.com for more information on how to request an invitation to the OlinSN.

Will Olin make payments using the OlinSN?
No, Olin will continue to use your current payment method independent of the OlinSN.

Should we expect to receive our Purchase Orders through this portal now?
When Olin issues a purchase order to a supplier, it will be available to the supplier through the indicated third party tool also located on the OlinSN. However, suppliers should also continue to receive purchase order through the same channels normally used today. Suppliers can review their purchase orders, print them, or download them from the portal.

I am planning to change my invoicing software soon, should I wait before subscribing?
The OlinSN supports the acceptance of many incoming data formats. The OlinSN provides two default CSV templates plus custom self-mapping capabilities for CSV, XLS, and XLSX file formats. Olin will invite you to join the network and send your invoices now and simply update a data format template.

What if I don’t have a system capable of creating electronic invoices?
If you print invoices generated by any invoicing system, you can send invoice data files to the OlinSN. If you create invoices manually (Word, Excel etc.) you may access the OlinSN secure web site and create invoices online using the standard web based web form. All you need is an Internet connection and standard browser.

How do I register for the OlinSN?

Before you can begin taking advantage of the many great features offered in the OlinSN, you must first receive an invitation to enroll from Olin.

If you have not received an invitation, contact Olin’s Procurement team (see contact information in tables below) or e-mail OSN_GEN_HELP@olin.com.

Procurement – United States and Canada
Country E-mail Address
United States & Canada OSN_GEN_NAA@olin.com

NOTE: Did not get an invitation to the OlinSN? Please contact Olin’s Procurement team (see “How do I register for the OlinSN”) or e-mail OSN_GEN_NAA@olin.com for more information on how to request an invitation to the OlinSN.

Please navigate to the following link to access Supplier Information
1. Log in through the OlinSN link on the right-hand navigation of the Olin Supplier Relations page or
2. Go to: http://www.Olin.com/OlinSN

How do I add/change my address information in the OlinSN?

To add or change your address information follow the steps below.

1. Contact OSN_AN_VM@Olinc.com

How do I add or update my bank information through the OlinSN?

What file types can be attached in the OlinSN?
Olin has specified the following file types for attachments in the OlinSN:

Standard Electronic Invoice Submission Email Region/ALL
OlinSN – Acct Payable OSN_AP_NAA@olin.com North America Areas
OlinSN – Acct Payable OSN_AP_LAA@olin.com Latin America Areas
OlinSN – Acct Payable OSN_AP_APAC@olin.com Asia Pacific
OlinSN – Acct Payable OSN_AP_EMEAI@olin.com Europe/Middle East/Africa/India